According to Mandy's latest missive from behind the firewall:

“Mad, bad, dangerous and beyond hope of redemption… flawed, lacking perspective and having a paranoia about him… He’s like something out of the mafiosi… He’s aggressive, brutal…there’s no one to match Gordon for someone who articulates high principles while practising the lowest skulduggery.”

Now I'll leave it up to Guido to ask why Blair didn't remove him but it is clear that the Lobby as some serious questions to answer.

If you don't know, the Lobby is that group of journalists who hang around Parliament with their passes and the subsequent privileges - including the subsidised bars.

Westminster is known as the village and if you're in it - even just drinking in one of the pubs regularly - you become part of that village. Two-shags affair for instance was talked about in the bars and pubs for at least a month before the papers reported on it. And there are still things I heard ten years ago that are still verboten to the wider world.

Now couple this with patronage.

The Lobby is dependent on patronage. They all go as a huddle to the various government briefings, get asides from SPaDs and "insiders" - usually the minister themselves or his head of press - and generally get their copy from inside the Palace and the deparments.

Think about it - when was the last time there was a genuine exclusive from the Lobby?

There hasn't been one, because of patronage.

Patronage allows the politicians to control the Lobby. Once patronage is gone, it isn't long before you would be shunted to the local government desk by the editor.

So it needs to be reformed.

After all the Clegarons whitter on about transparency then surely this should also apply to the Lobby.

Now there are genuine cases where anonymity should be protected - hell there were a couple of stories I got which were dependent on hiding the leaker - but at the end of the day you have to ask...

Everyone knew that Gordo was a loon - why did it take Guido and the bloggers to push it fully into the public's eye? And why did the Lobby not examine this as it happened rather than allow the likes of Mandy to come out with comments like above unchallenged?


I love Firefly and Serenity. Cowboys in space, fused with the wit of Joss Weedon. However, the geeks over at io9 felt that the credits didn't draw in the viewers and what was needed was a kick-ass credit sequence...80s stylee -


UPDATE: Simon Tam's lack of appearance is, of course, because he was in a spin-off:


Deputy PM Nick Clegg has disclosed that it doesn't matter how many people want the repeal of the smoking ban it is not going to happen.

A twee little video shows him saying how wonderful all this consultation is but as far as the smoking ban is concerned it is a done deal.

So what exactly is the point of the consultation. With pubs closing at a ridiculous rate, vilification of smokers that have been forced onto the street, along comes a consultation that...isn't.

Like free speech, consultations on laws and freedoms should not be a pick n mix. Except that all a lot of people want is a room in a pub where they don't have to drown in rain or freeze in the cold, to be allowed to smoke on an open platform when, yet again, their train is delayed and to enjoy a product that is not only legal but also brings in a healthy net income to the government.

Otherwise don't bother with this sham.


ht: Geekchic


As I noted last year, Michael Moorcock is writing a Doctor Who book, here's the publisher's blurb:

Doctor Who: The Coming of the Terraphiles
by Michael Moorcock

‘There are dark tides runing through the universe...’

Miggea – a star on the very edge of reality. The cusp between this universe and the next. A point where space-time has worn thin, and is in danger of collapsing... And the venue for the grand finals of the competition to win the fabled Arrow of Law.

The Doctor and Amy have joined the Terraphiles – a group obsessed with all aspects of Earth’s history, and dedicated to re-enacting ancient sporting events. They are determined to win the Arrow. But just getting to Miggea proves tricky. Reality is collapsing, ships are disappearing, and Captain Cornelius and his pirates are looking for easy pickings.

Even when they arrive, the Doctor and Amy’s troubles won’t be over. They have to find out who is so desperate to get the Arrow of Law that they will kill for it. And uncover the traitor on their own team. And win the contest fair and square.

And, of course, they need to save the universe from total destruction.

A thrilling, all-new adventure featuring the Doctor and Amy, as played by Matt Smith and Karen Gillan in the spectacular hit series from BBC Television written by the acclaimed science fiction and fantasy author Michael Moorcock


So Apple have developed Friends Stores so those i-bores can witter on to someone else for a change instead of me ;)

ht: Geeks


HT: Gizmondo


Here's a treat for you - former Doctor Who companion, Noel Clarke has been doing the rounds with this short film.

Him and the writer/director Matthew Savage are now looking to make it into a full feature film.