elegant parrot picture

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yellow macaw parrot

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Parrot photo

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So fair thee well Sir Terrence. Enjoy the semi-retirement

Just one thing to note tho' - you'd think the Gord could count after being Chancellor of the Exchequer.

In his vote for me pleeeease,...I mean warm, message to Sir Tel, he said: ""Five decades at the very top of British broadcasting is a towering, indeed an unparalleled achievement."

Um, Sir Terry started on the beeb in 1969 - which is 40 years, four decades, and took on the breakfast show in 1972.

Ah well.

IT'S (nearly) CHRISTMAS!!!

Don't have too much too say at the moment, Things are a tad depressing and all that.

Instead some updated carols -

Christmas is a-coming the country's getting thin
Please put some money in the deficit bin
If you haven't got a penny then a ha'penny will do
And if you are a banker then fuck to you
Silent Night, Holy Night
All is calm all is bright
Last defence spending, cupboards laid bare
For those soldiers getting blown up out there
Sleep in bivowacy peace, sleep in bivowacy peace.
Oh come all you voters, fill the pockets of wankers
Who know you'll be paying their mortgages tonight.
Sing for your supper, as we pay each other
Oh come lets redact houses
Oh come lets redact towers
Oh come all you MPs and trough out the night
O little town of Copenhagan
How still we see them lie
Above they fly, carbon credits in the sky
The warming seems to pass them by
Yet on the web the emails come to pass
Of lying out their arse
Their man-created fears of all the years
Are laid bare for all to see.
following the latest defence cuts, the MoD has issued revised lyrics for one carol

I saw a ship come sailing in, on Christmas day, on Christmas Day
I saw a ship come sailing in, on Christmas day in the morning

It should be three but only one came in, because of pay because of pay.
There was only one that we could see, because Christmas cuts in the Navy

Cute parrot picture

Parrot on Top

blue red parrot