Loafass - Smoke & Mirrors

Is Loafass the best punk from Philadelphia since Homo Picnic? Most likely, seeing as there’s not much competition in the city of brotherly lunch these days. Loafass has been around for many years and they’re not getting any better looking or mature, but they are kicking more ass than ever before. Smoke & Mirrors is their latest and greatest release in a long history of juvenile punk rock noises.

If you’ve ever been to Philadelphia, you’ve no doubt seen these ridiculous duck shaped buses that can also go in the water. They take tourists around the safer parts of the city. Loafass chose to open their new album with their opinion of these vehicles on the song “Duck Boat.” Starting off like a vintage Cheap Trick song it shifts gears into a flat out punk burner and includes a hot rubber ducky solo. Keeping in the transportation theme, the next song is called “Septa Sucks.” Loafass is not too fond of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority and get their revenge by lifting some riffs from Black Flag’s “Six Pack.”

Apparently all of these transit problems delay Loafass’s main interests that are covered in an excellent triumvirate of songs “Party,” “Cold Beer” and “Super Stoned.” These songs also feature an early Black Flag/Fear influence mixed with other obnoxious punk losers like Angry Samoans, Murphy’s Law, Adrenalin OD and D.O.A. If those songs don’t piss off your old lady then “Tea Bag’n” will for sure, but your friends will love it when you blast it in the car on your late night White Castle run. But the standout song on the album has to be “Escape From New Jersey.” The lyrics are perfect and the 65mph speed limit rock groove provide the perfect soundtrack as you power over the Pulaski Skyway.

Loafass is a very tight, kick ass punk band but are also grounded in classic rock. Most of the songs are fast but usually don’t break into hardcore warp speed. The guitar sound on the album is killer, the drums pound mightily and the bass playing rocks. Vocalist Fish yells harder than former Philly mayor Frank Rizzo when he failed his lie detector test. Hopefully Loafass’s brand of immature punk fury will annoy the lightweights in your life so you can have drink their beer. Play loud, be rude.



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