Surveys are fascinating things, no really they are.

I took part in one recently which was so far in ASH's court it may as well have been labelled with the anti-smokers' logo.

It was the push questions that amused me such as-

Do you agree that:

Smoking should be banned in all cars

Smoking should be banned where an under-18 is present

Smoking should be banned when there are passengers

(I am not quoting verbatim btw.)

Basically are you nasty enough to smoke when anyone is present in a car you fiend.

Weeeelllll, it's a bit of a "When did you last beat your wife" type question really.

If there had been a question that asked: Do you think there has been enough pointless, intrusive laws in the last few years and that a free society should be open to choice and have the freedom to choose? Then I would have been happier ;)

Still, nice to know what line of attack Ash is planning next!


Via Tom Harris, here's a brilliant montage of every single David Tennant appearances as Doctor Who.


Balls, that odious creep was on the Vine programme today.

Apparently there are funding cuts but funding will increase over the next three years (somehow)

It is not his fault, anything, nothing is his fault, it's someone else's.

Well done the GCSE examiner for hammering Balls for the fall in standards in English literacy - the examiner damingningly described some 16 year olds of having the literacy of an eight year old.

One thing that did come to mind was the energy bills for schools. Surely, if each borough's schools grouped together, they would be able to get substantial bulk order discounts from energy companies, or am I missing something?