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ht: imdoctorwho


just because...


Actually a favour to me mate Pete who asked for this photoshop!


Hmm, I really, really, really don't know what the unions and staff are trying to achieve by striking at BA.

The airline itself is already a basket case with a huge pensions bill to cater for, falling passengers and risgin bills.

The staff have one of the best benefit packages in the industry so why are they trying to bring BA down to its knees?

What is the point of striking for benefits when at this rate there won't be a company left to give you any benefits in the first place?


Well none from the Labour Party.

Oh yeah, sure they are now saying that they should have listened when over a million people marched on Westminster in protest at the Iraq war and they should have listened as the BNP gained council seats on the issue of immigration but on the main subject of economy, by God have they not learnt.

After listening to Harriet witter on in the House you'd of thought that maybe Labour would have finally grasped the concept of intelligent spending...obviously not.

You may have noticed that Harriet had a few jokes for once, why?

Well she has appointed comedienne Ayesha Hazirika as Director of Communications of the Labour Party and Deputy Chief of Staff to the Leader of the Opposition for a bargain price of £55,000.

Yup, money that is well spent...

Now I like Ayesha, having known her from her days as a DTI press officer but c'mon surely there are better ways of spending £55k?

Oh and I suppose I should mention that she was appointed Harriet's SPAD in 2007 as well, not that it's related in any way whatsoever.


So Dave has managed to annoy the backbenchers in the last two weeks?

It's a dangerous game he is playing. Unlike Labour, Tory backbenchers are very efficient assassins when it suits them and quite a lot of them no longer play the discipline game that was the conservatives' trump card in times past.

Eventually a few will break cover and the games will begin.

Hey ho, something more interesting to write about rather than the micro-management of State.

Pic HT: Fuchsia