Gordon Brown will give evidence to the Iraq Inquiry before the general election, the BBC understands.


Buy Nokia shares, there'll be a few replacements needed at Mr Chicken's house!

( yeah I know the pic is of an i-phone but images used are for illustrative purposes or summat!)


The BBC did its best yesterday reminding people how evil Tories are with the Jeremey Vine show debating what was worse, Thatcher's '81 recession vs Brown's 2009-? recession.

And it really annoys me.

If the polls are right then I would expect the Conservatives to really go for the Beeb since it seems to be on a self-destruct course.

The thing is I am a massive fan of the BBC. If you have seen US tv, until the likes of HBO came along and forced channels to raise their game, it was crap.

We got the cream of US tv, people seem to forget for every Hill Street Blues and Cheers,we also got Who's the Boss. It was part of a package - ITV, Ch4 and BBC had to take rubbish which was syphoned to a dead-end as well as the quality programmes.

The BBC has it's problems like any public organisation.

What is the percentage of managers, diversity officers etc, compared to the creators - you know the people who are meant to be there - same with health, education etc.

Sack all those people and get the Beeb back to being (to use a sickening phrase) the "people's broadcaster"

It is a jewel that is frantically trying to kill itself and it's a shame


So a cardio-surgeon want to cut the use of butter does he?

Other better bloggers have posted on this but there seems to be an abiding problem with healthcare at the moment.

Thanks to playing rugby I have a re-occuring knee problem which occasionally results in having to use a walking stick.

Why don't I go to my GP? I hear you ask.

Well the last time I went to the GP, I was worried I had a chest infection as both my wife and child were suffering from one. That month was particularly busy and I could not take anytime off so thought pre-emption would be the best avenue.

What I got instead was a typical tick-box appointment. Eventually the GP did listen to my chest but only because I said I smoked. Indeed she was bitterly disappointed that I had a clear chest and good lungs - hey what can i say, I've got efficient lungs, be pleased Doc.

She also wanted me to go for a blood test at a hospital - scuse me? What's that got to do with what I came in for? Ah yes, money for referrals. Ridiculous.

You are a doctor, I come in about a chest infection, see if there's an issue then treat the problem, don't start tick-boxing so you can generate more income for the practice. Oh, and while we're at it, do on-call - I have to in my profession, others have to in their's, why can't you?

Hell, when my dad was a GP, they didn't have mobiles. As a result, after seeing a patient after-hours, he would have to drive home to see if there were any other patients to see and then go out again - and that was for a lot less money then some of you 9-5ers are getting nowadays!

Quote of the day:
When will you doctors come to terms with the fact that in your line of work you're going encounter an unusually large number of sick people?

The Devil