Parrot Picture | shy bird

Parrot Picture | shy birdsize : 197 kbresolution : 900 x 953info : -

Parrot picture | full color

Parrot picture | full colorsize : 132 kbresolution : 900 x 603info : macaw

Parrot Picture | close up

Parrot Picture | close upsize : 214 kbresolution : 900 x 1311info : -


After the Supreme Court overturned previous rulings on unfair bank charges, Royal Bank of Scotland chief executive Stephen Hester, told a Scottish Parliament committee that: "We should understand there is not a free lunch here, that banks have certain costs of doing business and if you don't get paid those costs in one way then you have to find them in another way."

I take it the irony was lost on him.


I'm not going to comment on the latest stitch-up by those unelected doyens of Brussels but one quick question now the French can exact their revenge on us perfidious Albions -

When is Britain going to get politicians that act in the national interest?


"From the 1960s until the 1990s, floods were a rarity in Britain."

Climate change to lash Britain with tropical storms: The Sunday Times, 22.11.09

Well when I was a kid the woods at the end of my road used to regularly get flooded...

Oh and there was this:
"The cool, wet summer of 1968 left the ground saturated. The weekend of 14 and 15th September was dominated by thunderstorms and torrential rain, with an astonishing 1,000 million tonnes of water falling on South-East England."

BTW in the 80s there was huge flood defences built on the Ember and the Mole's defences were completed last year.

OK not the disaster that happened at Cockermouth but less of the inaccuracies. Floods occur every year in the UK. Flood plains are being built on and water is not finding a way of escaping.

After a weekend of leaked emails, you'd think global warmists would think twice before blaming everything on their pet subject.