Jet Black Berries Live On Ripple Radio

The buzz isn't building . . . it's becoming a siren!  With the reformation of '80's post punk rockers, Jet Black Berries and the release of their new album Post Modern Ghosts, word is out!  With their first single "God with a Gun" racking up serious airtime world-wide, and their latest, "They Walk Among You," being claimed by zombie enthusiasts wherever they may dwell, the Jet Black Berries are officially back from the dead.

And what an appropriate metaphor.  First rising to national acclaim with their song included on the cult-favorite Return of the Living Dead soundtrack, the Berries hadn't been heard from since the late '80's.  But fate has intervened.

Hear the whole story, talk with the band, hear cuts off the new album, all on Ripple Radio.

Just hit here, and join in the fun.   8pm Pacific time.   Join the zombies.

Ripple Radio

And here's some videos to whet your appetite.