BIG BROTHER pt 46736

It's going to happen isn't it.

Eventually some government is going to join up all the dots and bam we'll be barcoded, id'd and rationed on alcohol, sugar, fats and flights.

The latest wheeze in the Big Brother house is this.

Not only are GPs being ordered to upload patients information to a central spine (BTW ask your GP to opt you out, it's allowed but the DHS doesn't like people to know that) but now parents will be asked to fill out a four-page child wellbeing review in a pilot scheme in Lincolnshire.

"The Review asks parents to indicate whether their child "often lies or cheats": whether they steal or bully; and how often they eat red meat, takeaway meals or fizzy drinks.

However, the interrogation is not limited to intimate details of a child’s health. Parents responding to the survey are asked to provide details about their health and their partner’s health, whether they or their partner are in paid employment, and even to own up to whether or not their child is upset when they (the parent) returns to a room"

Enough already.